Home Dogs Dog Grooming Accessories Dog Sprays WashBar Itch Soothe Topical Spray 125ml NZ $29.50 incl GST WashBar Itch Soothe Topical Spray 125ml Qty: the selected product is not available. Add to cart Add To Favourites Remove From Favourites Category Dog Sprays Share
Description WashBar Itch Soothe Topical Spray 125ml Manuka+Kakadu Itch Soothe Range Made from a blend of bio-active botanical extracts designed to quickly relieve itching and scratching as well as soothe sore and inflamed skin Completely free of any nasties or synthesised ingredients, contains no synthetic fragrances, and is alcohol-free With essential oils that are antibacterial, antifungal and soothing to further help reduce inflammation and discomfort brought on by allergies Topical Spray and Shampoo available
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