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What’s So Great About Great Danes?

May 16th, 2019 |      0 comments

The Apollo of dogs. Gentle Giants. The Biggest Canine Clowns. Oversized Lapdogs. These are just a few of the endearing names attached to these magnificent dogs.

Great Danes are very friendly and even-tempered. They weren’t so back in the day when they were used as Guard Dogs in large estates and tracts of land. 

You’d think that a dog as large as a Great Dane would require humongous amounts of care, right? Not so. 

Although the Great Dane is a gigantic dog, it is still, relatively, a very low maintenance dog. Think of it as a regular dog blown up to twice or thrice the original size. Maybe four times… but still, if you look at it as most dog lovers do, caring for a Great Dane isn’t that different from caring for a Pekingese.

We’re kidding.

There are huge differences between Great Danes and those small tiny dogs.

For one, finding food fit for your Great Dane can be challenging. Housing a dog that can dwarf you when it stands on its hind legs can also be a daunting task. Perhaps, the only thing similar about a Great Dane and a Pekingese is their fondness for sitting on people’s laps. That’s it.

So, are you still sure about your decision to take care of a Great Dane? Sure? Ok then.

What To Expect

great dane

Perhaps the most obvious concern most Great Dane owners face is the size their dog eventually grows into. As a puppy, a Great Dane can tip the scales at 3 lbs and that’s the newborn’s weight! Give it a few weeks and it’ll be 8 pounds. You can expect his weight doubling rapidly during the first 2 years before the average final weight of 150 lbs.


For a big dog, protein is essential to his diet. Most commercial dog food can sustain a Great Dane’s diet. We have some to offer in our Dogs section. For maximum nutritional benefit, feed him raw food. 


Great Danes, despite their size, can live in a small apartment as long as he has enough room to curl up in and sleep. Having a large backyard for your Great Dane to run around in is a bonus but not necessary for his housing needs.

Crate training your Great Dane as early as possible will lead to great results in terms of establishing your role as the alpha in your pack.


Great Danes require little to no exercise. In fact, for some, it can lead to disastrous health risks as Great Danes are prone to hip dysplasia. Take your Great Dane out for a short, relaxed walk around the block. Don’t allow it to jump around to reduce the risk of injuries.


As already discussed, the Great Dane is a fantastic family member as long as it is properly socialised. Make sure you expose him to a lot of people at around 8 to 12 weeks onwards and discipline him if he gets too excited. A properly trained Great Dane is a perfect companion for kids and is very tolerant towards rough horseplay.


Sadly, for such a big and sturdy looking dog, the Great Dane has a lot of health conditions you should be aware of, Hip Dysplasia being one of the major concerns. Regular visits to the veterinarian are recommended for this breed.

Great Danes live an average of 8 years but some do reach 10 years. Although this is a very short lifespan, each day with your Great Dane is guaranteed to be a fun-filled one.

For a healthy and good looking dog, go check out our dog food and accessories page.


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