
Gift Cards

Gift Cards

An Integrity Animal Care gift card is the perfect present for the animal lover.
Can't find the perfect gift for your animal lover friend?
Here's a tip: All pet lovers are guilty of spoiling their (surprise, surprise) pets.

Here's the perfect gift for them: a gift card allowing them to spoil their animal companions more!

Integrity Animal Care offers Gift Cards valued at $25, $50, $75 up to $150. Just remember: The more your animal lover friend can spend for their pets, the more they'll appreciate your gift card!

Gift cards are honored at Integrity Animal Care for veterinary services, pet grooming, cat boarding, getting the best pet food, healthy dog treats, pet toys and other services. Get yours now!

Oh, and you can personalize your gift cards too!

Not an online shopping fan? Our gift card can also be redeemed for pet products sold at either our Mangere or Onehunga clinics. Visit the Contact Us page for more details on how to find us.